Embarking on the journey of Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) isn't just a choice; it's a personal and professional investment that holds the potential to transform your skills and perspectives. The Filipino Martial Arts Instructorship Workshop is more than a training program; it's an opportunity to delve deep into this diverse style, ensuring a unique and enriching experience that guarantees skill enhancement and a broadened understanding of the arts.

As someone dedicated to mastery, imagine the power of infusing FMA's effective techniques and dynamic principles into your training. This course is tailored to elevate not just your expertise but also to revitalize your teaching approach, bringing a fresh and exciting dimension to your martial arts journey. Picture the loyalty and enthusiasm you can foster among your students while attracting new enthusiasts.

Integrating FMA into your school's curriculum isn't just about differentiation; it's about expanding appeal and standing out in a competitive market. Join us in this transformative journey, where tradition seamlessly meets innovation, and witness your martial arts school flourish with renewed vigor and authenticity.

This isn't just an invitation; it's a personal call to action. Register now for the Filipino Martial Arts Instructorship Workshop, secure your spot, and not only demonstrate but actively commit to your growth and success. Early registration not only signifies your dedication but also comes with an exclusive discount, making this an investment that pays off in both knowledge and savings. Seize the opportunity, take that decisive step towards a more lucrative and skillful future in martial arts. Your time is now – commit today and reap the rewards!


  • Annapolis, Maryland
    March 16 @ 2:00 - 5:00 pm

  • Melbourne, Australia
    May 17 @ 6:30 - 8:30 pm

  • Newcastle, Australia
    May 19 @ 11:30am - 1:30pm

  • Bonita Springs, Florida
    June 22 @ 2:00 - 5:00 pm

  • Charlotte, North Carolina
    September 21 @ 2:00 - 5:00 pm